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Fantasy Book Series Author

My Books


The Cartographer's War Series

The Spring Maiden
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04 Book Four 3D.png
Book 1
The Spring Maiden

The Spring Maiden

The Cartographer's War - Book One

A bewitching debut from a strong new voice in fantasy. The Spring Maiden is everything. Book one in The Cartographer’s War gives us a fierce, relatable heroine, forbidden love and a noble quest to root for.

Book 2

The Shadow Lord

The Cartographer's War - Book Two

Penny Barclay thought she could trust those closest to her. Her mother had been a paragon of virtue, a woman of sense and ingenuity in Penny’s eyes.

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The Unseen King: The Cartographer’s War - Book Three

The Unseen King

The Cartographer's War - Book Three

Prince Aiden is gone. Taken. Kidnapped by the fae and portalled to only the Goddess knows where. And Penny Barclay is determined to find him

Book 3
Book 4

The Unwanted Queen

The Cartographer's War - Book Four

Penny Barclay thought eating Faerie’s sacred fruit would keep the rebels from gaining the upper hand, but it all went sideways.

Book4-The Unwanted Queen.webp

The Cartographer's War Novel

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Book 3D (Coming soon) copy.png
Book 5
05 The Seer Assasin.png

The Seer's Assassin

A Cartographer's War Novel

Paulo MacGregor is a liar. As Marquess of Delphine and the only oracular mage in the kingdom, it’s his job to report any threat that may grow within Olympia’s borders. But he didn’t. He knows about The Cartographer.

The Fated Mage

A Cartographer's War Novel

In this epic conclusion of The Cartographer’s War, Paulo and Laurel must come together to defeat not only the rebellion trying to tear down the kingdom but also change the very strings of fate itself.

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